1,729 Visit Temple Mount on Tisha B’Av

While many waited for hours in the blistering sun, 1,729 Jews ascended the ramp for a visit to Judaism’s holiest site – the Temple Mount on Tisha B’av, which is the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. The Israeli police on instructions from the government flipped-flopped throughout the day, opening and closing Judaism’s holiest site to Jewish visitors. Muslim rioters had positioned themselves at the site, hanging a Hamas banner, and were vocal in opposing the area being opened for Jews. Yet while certainly not a smooth experience, Jews did in fact make it to the Temple Mount to mourn the loss of both Jewish Temples, and yearn for the rebuilding of the third – speedily in our days.
Photo Credit: Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia / CC BY-SA 4.0

Posted by Josh Hasten