Josh Hasten

Watchdog: EU Donates Tens of Millions to NGOs Linked to Palestinian Terror, Anti-Semitism

Fighters of the PFLP’s Abu Ali Mustapha Brigades standing at the entrance of Red Crescent Society for the Gaza Strip's building. Credit: Red Crescent Society for the Gaza Strip.

Fighters of the PFLP’s Abu Ali Mustapha Brigades standing at the entrance of Red Crescent Society for the Gaza Strip’s building. Credit: Red Crescent Society for the Gaza Strip.

The new report states that in 2019, at least three grants totaling 5.8 million euros (nearly $6.9 million) involve NGOs with ties to the PFLP.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Despite COVID-19, and Partly Because of it, Jewish-Arab Business Partnerships Progress

Ashraf Jabari with Ariel Mayor Eli Shaviro and Michal Shalem of “Let’s Grow Israel” with Avi Zimmerman. Photo by Amitai Eisenberg.

Ashraf Jabari with Ariel Mayor Eli Shaviro and Michal Shalem of “Let’s Grow Israel” with Avi Zimmerman. Photo by Amitai Eisenberg.

The Integrated Business Roundtable, founded with the belief that the path to peace between Israelis and Palestinians will come through investment in high-quality enterprises, held its second annual Israeli-Palestinian Economic Forum.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

On Zoom

A production of grassroots Zionists in honor of Ari Fuld z”l.

Posted by Josh Hasten in The Judean Roundtable

Economic Normalization in Judea and Samaria

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten an interview with Avi Zimmerman, President of the Judea and Samaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as he prepares for the Second Annual Israeli-Palestinian Economic Forum. With Israel normalizing ties with Gulf States, Zimmerman and his partners are involved with initiating economic normalization between Jews in Judea/Samaria, and those Arabs living under the PA. Hear about the opportunities Zimmerman and his colleagues are providing to improve life for all – and get to understand some of the challenges he faces as well.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Debangana.mukherjee

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

After the Holidays but Not Back to “Normal”

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh talks about the time period known as “acharei hachagim,” or “after the holidays” when things are supposed to get back to “normal.” Unfortunately as a result of the coronavirus lockdown, things have hardly returned to normal in Israel, as schools remain shuttered and businesses are closed. Israel’s coronavirus cabinet is scheduled to meet later this week to discuss a proposed gradual opening up of the country, but nothing is certain.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Danbus43Maalit72

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Understanding the Fast of Gedalia

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh explains why today (the 3rd of Tishrei) is a fast named after the murdered Babylonian-appointed Jewish governor Gedalia Ben Ahikam. While there is certainly some controversy to the episode, ultimately his death started a chain of events leading to the end of a Jewish presence in Israel for many years. Also on the show, the latest on Israel’s coronavirus lockdown, plus the US has a straight moral compass when it comes to Iran, while other countries try to let the Mullahs off their hook for exporting terror across the globe.

Photo Credit:

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Closing Time to Start 5781

Israel has issued a three week corona virus lockdown as we head towards Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Who is to blame for the skyrocketing pandemic numbers in Israel? On this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten weighs in on that, plus an Israeli delegation is on its way to Washington D.C. to sign a historic normalization agreement with the United Arab Emirates. At the same time Bahrain has become the latest Arab country to formally open ties with the Jewish State. Shana Tovah to all!

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Closure No Closure

As Israel was about to implement a closure on it’s “red communities,” with coronavius cases spiking out of control, the government yesterday decided to implement a “night curfew” instead in Israel’s most hard-hit towns and communities. On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh berates the government for playing politics as thousands of new cases of COVID-19 are being confirmed daily. What will happen during Rosh Hashannah and the high holidays, when some are insisting on holding services in synagogues despite the infections? What about the mass protests still taking place against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? All of these questions and more, as Israel is in the midst of it’s hottest September in 118 years.

Photo Credit:,_Stamford_Road,_Singapore_-_20111210.jpg

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Diplomacy Marches on its Stomach: One Rabbi Helps Cook Up Kosher Fare for UAE Delegation

Breakfast at the St. Regis Hotel in the United Arab Emirates. Credit: Rabbi Yissachar Krakowski.

Breakfast at the St. Regis Hotel in the United Arab Emirates. Credit: Rabbi Yissachar Krakowski.

Top Israeli and American officials arrived in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, on Monday departing from Tel Aviv aboard an El Al Boeing 737 aircraft and in an unprecedented occurrence flying over Saudi Arabian airspace for the first-ever visit towards normalization between Israel and the UAE.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate