Settlers attacking Palestinians and activists in the West Bank, drawing widespread condemnation ‘It does not represent 99.9% of the population in Judea and Samaria,’ says Josh Hasten, spokesperson for the Gush Etzion Regional Council – in debate with Yariv Oppenheimer, former director of Peace Now.
Other Videos
“Settler Violence” on i24NEWS English – 16 December 2021
Josh Hasten appeared on i24NEWS English to discuss “settler violence.” Tragic and ironic that such a discussion happened as an Israeli was murdered by a Muslim terrorist. While Jewish sporadic violence carried out by 0.1% of the community is condemned by #Israel, on the other hand the PA incentivizes the murder of Jews with multiple attacks taking place daily – each and every day.
Where To, and What Can We Do – 13 March 2021
Join Josh Hasten speaking to a World Mizrachi live audience about pro-Israel activism during these difficult times.
Current Political Stalemate in Israel on i24NEWS English – 12 April 2021
Josh Hasten joins i24NEWS” has been published in courtesy of i24NEWS to discuss the current political stalemate in Israel.
US Elections 2020 and Their Potential Impact on Israel on i24NEWS English – 10 November 2020
Josh Hasten appeared on i24NEWS English discussing the US Presidential Elections 2020 and their potential impact on Israel.
Israel Applying Sovereignty to Parts of Judea and Samaria on i24NEWS English – 1 July 2020
Josh Hasten appeared on i24NEWS English last night about Israel applying sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria. It didn’t happen on July 1, but let’s see what happens here in the next few days/weeks.
Discussing the Potential Dangers of a PA State on i24NEWS English – 4 June 2020
“We have to reject whole-heartedly any attempt to establish another state west of the Jordan River…if those hilltops become part of the arsenal used by the PA, Hamas, we have a serious problem,” says Josh Hasten
Elections Interview on i24NEWS – 1 March 2020
Josh Hasten talks elections with Tomer from Meretz on i24NEWS English.
Interview for i24NEWS – 28 January 2020
Josh Hasten’s appearance on i24NEWS English following the announced Deal of the Century, Tuesday January 28, 2020.
Interview for i24NEWS – 15 August 2019
Josh on I24 news, defending Israel’s decision to deny entry to two US Congresswomen for their support for BDS