anti Netanyahu demonstrations

Is a Storming of the Knesset Possible?

On this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that following last week’s violent breach into the US Capitol Building in Washington D.C., many are asking, ‘can something similar happen in Israel?’ With rampant pro and anti Netanyahu demonstrations these days, and with many other segments of society taking to the streets for their respective causes, can it get to the point where Israeli citizens threaten to storm the Knesset? At the same time, even with dangerous unprecedented censorship coming from the social media giants, Josh says that cooler heads in Israel must prevail. Plus all the latest information on the coronavirus pandemic as Israel is in the midst of a third lockdown. While Israel is taking the world lead in vaccinations, other countries are asking the Jewish State for help in this massive inoculation initiative for their people. Perhaps certain countries will be grateful and vote against anti-Israel resolutions in world bodies as a ‘thank you.’ Time will tell.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored