
Ariel mayor, IDF clash over road access from PA town

Citing security concerns, Ariel Mayor Yair Chetboun is engaged in a war of wills with the IDF over a road connecting his town to the Arab town of Salfit. Chetboun has been blocking the road using heavy equipment, while the IDF continues to clear it. Credit: Courtesy.

Citing security concerns, Ariel Mayor Yair Chetboun is engaged in a war of wills with the IDF over a road connecting his town to the Arab town of Salfit. Chetboun has been blocking the road using heavy equipment, while the IDF continues to clear it. Credit: Courtesy.

The mayor of the Shomron town of Ariel, Yair Chetboun, is currently in a game of cat and mouse with the Israeli military over his insistence that part of a key artery, which connects his town to the nearby P.A. village of Salfit, remain blocked due to security considerations.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Another Murderous Jihadist Attack in Israel

On Friday night, Israel lost another hero, as 23-year-old Vyacheslav Golev HY”D was gunned down by Jihadist terrorists as he served as a guard at the entrance to the town of Ariel. Golev shielded his fiancee, whom he protected with his own body during the attack, saving her life. 15 Israelis have been murdered in terror attacks in Israel over the past five weeks. On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that weakness leads to terror, and only through strength will those who seek to murder Israelis and destroy the Jewish State, cower.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored