
Israeli Startup Helps Businesses in Judea and Samaria Navigate Economic, Political Challenges

Ora Uziel, an artist from Samaria. Bikurim helped subsidize her e-commerce website. Credit: Bikurim.

Ora Uziel, an artist from Samaria. Bikurim helped subsidize her e-commerce website. Credit: Bikurim.

Lenny Goldberg, who immigrated to Israel back in the 1980s from New York, runs a small business out of his community of Tapuach in Samaria. Goldberg’s company, called “Luna-na,” caters to birthday parties, summer camps and other special events for children and adults alike throughout the country by providing a variety of inflatable bouncy castles and other similar entertainment play devices for his clients.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Abraham Accords Sees Sweet Results in Form of D’vash Business Cooperation

From left: Co-founder of D’vash Organics David Czinn; D’vash Organics co-founder and CEO Brian Finkel; Mohamed Saleem, founder and owner of Al Barakah; Yousuf Saleem, Mohamed’s older son and managing director of Al Barakah; and Mohamed’s younger son, Abdulkarim Saleem. Photo by Mubarak Taj.

From left: Co-founder of D’vash Organics David Czinn; D’vash Organics co-founder and CEO Brian Finkel; Mohamed Saleem, founder and owner of Al Barakah; Yousuf Saleem, Mohamed’s older son and managing director of Al Barakah; and Mohamed’s younger son, Abdulkarim Saleem. Photo by Mubarak Taj.

Brian Finkel reached out to Dubai-based Al Barakah Dates Factory, and without knowing he lived in Israel, it became his largest supplier. As the relationship grew, the two companies ended up forming a strategic partnership that is becoming representative of the region.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

In Israel, Florida’s Governor Hailed for making the Sunshine State ‘Most Pro-Israel’ in America


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (left) meets with Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, as well as small-business owners and community leaders, at the Hub Etzion co-working space and small-business center in Gush Etzion on May 29, 2019. Credit: Shannon Nuszen.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (left) meets with Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, as well as small-business owners and community leaders, at the Hub Etzion co-working space and small-business center in Gush Etzion on May 29, 2019. Credit: Shannon Nuszen.

Becoming the first U.S. governor to lead a trade mission to Judea and Samaria, Gov. Ron DeSantis took a clear stand against BDS while bolstering Florida’s economic ties with the Jewish state through several agreements.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate