Chai Lifeline

How Those Suffering from Cancer Become ‘Me’ at Camp Simcha

Tevel Argental (right) and her counselor at Camp Simcha. Credit: Chai Lifeline.

Tevel Argental (right) and her counselor at Camp Simcha. Credit: Chai Lifeline.

Sixteen-year-old Tevel Argental, from the northern Israeli town of Yokneam, has been battling brain cancer since she was two years old. She has undergone multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation and other treatments that have allowed her to live as best as possible under the difficult circumstances. At the same time, Tevel has been coming to grips with the death of her father, who died of a heart attack three years ago.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Chai Lifeline Childhood Cancer Survivors in Israel

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with some of the participants on this year’s Chai Lifeline “Wish at the Wall,” trip to Israel. After two years of Covid-19 cancellations, a group of childhood cancer survivors are experiencing Israel on a jam-packed 10-day expedition. One of the highlights is a visit to the Western Wall in Jerusalem where the youth, who each brought along a parent, will celebrate their health.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored