Dan Diker

Is Saudi/Israel Normalization on the Way?

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Dan Diker, President and Fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, on reports that Israel and Saudi Arabia might be headed towards a full-scale normalization deal. Diker said that a quiet normalization already exists between the two countries. He explained that the Biden Administration is pushing a deal, as the Democrats are seeking a Middle East victory with the 2024 elections looming. At the same time, Iran’s terrorist aggression through its proxies, can’t be ignored as part of the Saudi’s policies. Don’t miss this interview, with expert analysis on the latest events shaping the region, with Israel front and center.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Jerusalem Day Marred by Jihadist Violence

As Israelis are celebrating Jerusalem Day marking 54 years since the city was reunited along with the Jewish return to Judea, Samaria, the Golan and other areas, Muslim Jihadists have turned parts of Jerusalem into a warzone with violent riots. Unfortunately, this morning it was announced that Jews would not be allowed to visit the Temple Mount today. On today’s show, an analysis from Dan Diker, Project Director for the Program to Counter Political Warfare and BDS at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs on why the violence and terror is taking place.

Photo Credit: Israel Police / Commons Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

The Importance of Normalization With Sudan

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Dan Diker, Director of the Project on Political Warfare at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Diker breaks down Israel’s normalization agreement with Sudan, and stresses how the deal gives Israel a strategic Red Sea foot hold on the African continent. In part one of the show, Josh discusses all the latest news from Israel and the Jewish world.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Aquintero82

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Breaking Down the Election

In this special “Election 2019” edition of Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Dan Diker Research Fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Diker gives his expert analysis on all the possible scenarios once the votes are counted for the 21st Knesset election. Will Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud Party get the most votes or will it be Benny Gantz’s Blue and White? Will Netanyahu be tasked with forming a government coalition, or will Blue and White get the first opportunity? Hear Diker explain what could happen in the days and weeks following the election as coalition negotiations get into high gear.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored