Dr. Harold Rhode

Iran is Scared

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Dr. Harold Rhode, former Adviser on Islamic affairs at the Office of the US Secretary of Defense and renowned scholar on the Islamic world. Dr. Rhode discusses the aftermath of the liquidation of Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who was a terrorist and mass murderer. While Iran is issuing vast threats against the US and Israel as a result of Suleimani’s demise, Rhode said in reality the Iranian leadership is frightened. Rhode is hopeful that one day soon, the Iranian people will be freed from the tyrannical regime in Tehran.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Remembering Ari Fuld HY”D

On today’s very special edition of Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh reports from the Gush Etzion ceremony on the anniversary of the murder of warrior for Israel Ari Fuld HY”D. People from all over Israel and some from overseas attended the moving event including Col. Richard Kemp, former British military forces commander in Afghanistan and Dr. Harold Rhode former Pentagon specialist on the Middle East. Josh also spoke to many other friends of Ari who told stories of how Ari inspired them to stand up for Israel, whether in the IDF, on social media, or throughout the world of public diplomacy including Avi Abelow, Brian of London, Zahava Englard Shapiro, Rachel Moore, Nadia Matar, Yehudit Katzover, and more.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored