
Pre-Election Terrorism

As Israel prepares to elect representatives to the 25th Knesset on Tuesday, Arab terrorists continue their daily onslaught. On Saturday night an Israeli was murdered in a shooting attack near Kiryat Arba, while on Sunday a Jihadist rammed his car into a group of soldiers in the Dead Sea area. On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh encourages Israeli voters to go to the polls and vote for those candidates who will implement policies of true deterrence against those contemplating attacks on Jewish Israelis.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

A New Sheriff in Town (For Now)

Caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid officially took over his post from PM Naftali Bennett over the weekend. In his first cabinet meeting Lapid said his goal was “to manage the government as if there are no elections,” referring to Israel’s upcoming November 1, Knesset elections. Will it be possible for the new PM to achieve this goal and effectively run the country, or will he be too busy making sure that his Yesh Atid faction does well when Israel goes to the polls after the high holidays? Josh Hasten discusses this story along with all the other headlines from Israel on this week’s “Israel Uncensored,” podcast.

Photo Credit: Image courtesy of the Spokesperson unit of the President of Israel

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

New Elections or a New Government from Within?

Will Israel be headed to its fifth Knesset elections in the past three and a half years or will an opposition member – namely former Prime Minister Netanyahu succeed in forming a government within the current Knesset? The Israeli public should have an answer to that question by the end of the week. At the same time the EU obsession with trying to bring Iran into the mainstream world community continues with Josep Borrell, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy at the EU, reportedly visiting Tehran. Israel’s Foreign Minister (and possible interim Prime Minister) Yair Lapid was not too pleased with the visit, on the heels of reports that the Iranians had plotted to murder Israelis in Turkey. Plus all the latest news from Israel on this week’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten.

Photo Credit: Knesset_1368 / Commons Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored


Israelis will go to the polls tomorrow for the fourth Knesset Elections in the past two years. While final poll projections indicate that parties will have trouble building a coalition leading to a 61-member Knesset majority, and thus forming a government, election day surprises and political maneuvering, could lead to the formation of a government and prevent Israel going to election #5. Josh Hasten breaks down some of the possible scenarios on this week’s Israel Uncensored.

Photo Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/boellstiftung/16646866137

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Israel Enters Third Lockdown as Elections Loom

Israel on Sunday entered a third national lockdown with coronavirus cases spiking. Will this be the final lockdown at hundreds of thousands of Israelis have already received their inoculations? Prime Minister Netanyahu hopes that at least 2 million Israelis will receive their shots by the end of January. Plus, Israel is headed towards its fourth election in the past two years. Will Netanyhau hold on as the country’s leader, or will a coalition be formed led by either former Likud member Gideon Sa’ar and his “New Hope” party or Naftali Bennett’s Yamina? All of this plus the other latest news from Israel, on this week’s Israel Uncensored, with Josh Hasten.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Israel Back to the Polls for a Third Time in a Year

On today’s special election edition of Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh interviews the “man (and woman) in the street” outside a Gush Etzion polling station, as Israel votes for the 23rd Knesset – the country’s third election within a year. While most voters interviewed in this non-scientific poll said they would vote for Yemina led by Naftali Bennett, others said they would be choosing PM Netanyahu’s Likud. Other voters were undecided going into the polling station. Listen to today’s show to get a sense of the logic used by some Israelis as they cast their ballots.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Israelis Back to the Polls (Again)

Believe it or not, Israel will be holding elections for the 23rd Knesset this march – the third country-wide election in just one year, after MK’s from the leading parties were unsuccessful in forming a government coalition. Gil Hoffman, Chief Political Correspondent for the Jerusalem Post and Land of Israel show host, joins Josh Hasten to explain why Israelis will be going back to the polls on Monday, March 2, 2020.

Photo Credit: he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%A7%D7%9…ections_2015.JPG

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored