
In Israel, Florida’s Governor Hailed for making the Sunshine State ‘Most Pro-Israel’ in America


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (left) meets with Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, as well as small-business owners and community leaders, at the Hub Etzion co-working space and small-business center in Gush Etzion on May 29, 2019. Credit: Shannon Nuszen.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (left) meets with Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, as well as small-business owners and community leaders, at the Hub Etzion co-working space and small-business center in Gush Etzion on May 29, 2019. Credit: Shannon Nuszen.

Becoming the first U.S. governor to lead a trade mission to Judea and Samaria, Gov. Ron DeSantis took a clear stand against BDS while bolstering Florida’s economic ties with the Jewish state through several agreements.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate