Josh Hasten Guest Appearance on i24NEWS English – 8 December 2023

Josh Hasten’s appearance on the evening of December 8, 2023 on i24NEWS English news. Not crazy about talking politics or debating during a war – but with #Israel voting on a state budget, politics it is (and yeah, it also has to do with our security needs and the war effort). And let’s not forget about Jewish unity also!

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UK Travel Ban on Alleged Violent “Settlers” – i24NEWS English: 14 December 2023

Josh Hasten’s appearance on i24NEWS English on the absurd UK travel ban on alleged violent “settlers.” Is the UK banning people who they think are violent from any other country in the world? Looks like they are falling for the PA campaign (most likely in collaboration with the EU and fringe Israeli NGO’s), to turn the attention away from Hamas’ atrocities against #Israel

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Unity or Separation in Israel? pt. 2 – i24NEWS English: 24 April 2023

Part 2 of my debate on i24NEWS English – There want Tel Aviv and it’s suburbs to break off from the rest of the country and be known as “#Israel” while everyone else – religious, ultraorthodox, residents of Judea and Samaria, will live in a new country called “Judea.” I think this an insane idea, and think we need to unite and not separate!

Posted by Josh Hasten in Other Videos

Unity or Separation in Israel? pt. 1 – i24NEWS English: 24 April 2023

Part 1 of Josh Hasten’s debate on i24NEWS English – There want Tel Aviv and its suburbs to break off from the rest of the country and be known as “Israel” while everyone else – religious, ultraorthodox, residents of Judea and Samaria, will live in a new country called “Judea.” I think this an insane idea, and think we need to unite and not separate!

Posted by Josh Hasten in Other Videos

Should Biden Have Kept Silent on Israel’s Judicial Reform? pt. 1 – i24NEWS English: 30 March 2023

Part 1 of Josh Hasten’s debate on i24NEWS English in regard to the US snubbing of PM Netanyahu over an internal Israeli issue (judicial reform). Why isn’t the US focused on the fact that an American citizen was murdered in Israel, and another was seriously wounded this past month? Where is the Biden Administration on Iran getting ready to go nuclear? What about pay to slay? Nope, the obsession is Israel.

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