Im Tirtzu

Amnesty Gets Majority of its Anti-Israel Lies (Sadly) from Israeli NGO’s

Seventy-seven percent of the NGOs cited in Amnesty International’s damning report against Israel were Israeli organizations that received more than a hundred million dollars from foreign governments since 2012, the Zionist watchdog group Im Tirtzu said on Sunday. In other words, while Amnesty should be taken to task for their report of lies and for falsely accusing Israel of being an Apartheid state, perhaps more fingers should be pointed at local organizations here in Israel, which supplied the fodder for the anti-Israel phony report.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

BDS Supporters Find a Home at Netflix

The pro-Israel watchdog organization Im Tirtzu says that the vast majority of films featured in Netflix’s new “Palestinian Stories” collection were directed by BDS supporters. Not only did anti-Israel haters direct these movies, but according to a statement from the organization the films portray a biased depiction of the conflict between Israel and her neighbors while glorifying terrorism. On this week’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh argues that there is a difference between freedom of artistic expression and showcasing content which incites to violence and praises terror. This story plus all the latest news from Israel on this week’s show.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored