
With Stephen Bryen, Dede Laugesen and Joshua Hasten | Securing America with Frank Gaffney

Part 1

Part 2

Posted by Josh Hasten in Other Videos

Interview on Wradio from Columbia

Josh Hasten was interviewed on a Spanish channel called Wradio out of Columbia, very popular in Latin America. The questions he was asked were shocking. Much worse then anything seen from any of the other media outlets on the ground here in Israel. When the interview starts, and Josh is referred to as a “settler colonizer” you know where it’s headed.

Posted by Josh Hasten in On the Radio

Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist Assassinated

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh discusses the demise of top Iranian nuclear scientist Moshen Fakhrizadeh this past Friday. While many realize that the world has a little less evil in it, as someone dedicated to blowing Israel off the map was taken out (no country has taken responsibility till now), there are those including the EU who condemned the killing. Also on the show, your emails along with the rest of the top stories from Israel.

Photo Credit:…avy_Water4.JPG

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

International Lacrosse Competition Cradles its Way to Israel


Opening ceremonies of the European Lacrosse Federation (ELF) Women’s European Lacrosse Championship in Jerusalem, July 15, 2019. Photo by Josh Hasten.

Opening ceremonies of the European Lacrosse Federation (ELF) Women’s European Lacrosse Championship in Jerusalem, July 15, 2019. Photo by Josh Hasten.

As evening approached, and the heat of another scorching summer day in Jerusalem broke, more than 300 young women from 16 different countries across Europe proudly marched into the fan-filled stadium at the Kraft Family Sports Campus in a sea of their country’s colors on Monday, getting ready for opening ceremonies.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

“Why Are We Still Afraid?”

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten a very special interview with Mark Lavie, who has been a journalist covering Israel and the Middle East since 1972. Lavie’s new book, “Why Are We Still Afraid” insists that while Israel today has many enemies, the Jewish State faces no existential threats. Lavie says that we should therefore focus on fixing our societal problems instead. Lavie also says that the BDS movement might be noisy, but has done very little harm over the past decade, as Israel continues to expand into many markets around the globe.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Iran, Gaza, Ben, and Jerry

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh discusses the reimposition of sanctions by the Trump Administration against the Iranian regime. The move, which was applauded by Israeli PM Netanyahu, will further hamper Iran’s tentacles of terror around the world. Also, Israeli teens living near Gaza are marching to Jerusalem to raise awareness about life under almost daily rocket and kite terror. Finally, while Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in the US has created a new flavor to show support for several groups including a movement run by known anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, the Israeli branch of the ice-cream giant, has proven its moral compass is pointed in the right direction by saying it won’t be selling the controversial flavor.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

From Pittsburgh to Gaza

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, we mourn the loss of 11 Jews who were murdered in a Pittsburgh synagogue on Shabbat morning. Josh describes how many on social media used this horrific hate crime as a cynical means to bash Israel, the Trump Administration, or anyone else under the sun, instead of focusing on the white-supremacist neo-Nazi who carried out the shooting. In reality, he says that anti-Semitism is a 3,000+ year-old phenomenon. At the same time, Israelis living on the Gaza border were also the target of terror/hate having to run for the shelters again this past Friday night as Hamas/Islamic Jihad terrorists fired over 30 rockets into Israeli communities. Josh says that Israel should be not enabling the terrorists in Gaza and halt the supply of aid, especially fuel which ends up being used to launch rockets and missiles against the Jewish State.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored