Anti-Semite Roger Waters dressed as a Nazi SS officer at a concert in Berlin, Germany this past week, while also comparing Anne Frank, murdered in the Holocaust, to an Arab journalist accidentally killed last year in an IDF anti-terror operation. After watching the video of the Waters incident, Josh Hasten asks on this week’s Israel Uncensored, why did the crowd cheer following this stunt? Waters is a well-known hater of Israel and the Jews, but why was his anti-Semitism on display applauded? Plus all the latest news from Israel, on this week’s show.
Israel Uncensored
Headed back to Homesh
The IDF this week signed an order, which allows Israelis to go back to the site of Homesh, one of the four northern Samaria communities dismantled along with 21 Jewish communities in Gaza, as part of the 2005 so-called “Disengagement.” There is currently a yeshiva at the site, but there is now optimism that the move will lead to the rebuilding of the community. Perhaps this will also lead to the rebuilding of the other three northern Samaria communities? On this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten discusses what many believe to be a just decision, which took 18 years to carry out. The Biden Administration however, condemned the move. This story, plus all the latest news from Israel on this week’s podcast.
Is the Biden Administration Funding Anti-Government Protests?
Media sources citing a leaked video say that Israel’s Justice Minister Yariv Levin has accused the U.S. State Department of funding anti-government protests. Until now only “unnamed officials” have made that claim. The leak comes as President Biden has yet to invite Prime Minister Netanyahu to the White House. However, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, had nothing but love for the Jewish State, during his Knesset address on Monday. All of this plus the latest news from Israel, including rockets fired at the south by terrorists from Gaza as the podcast was recorded, on this week’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten.
Exclusive interview with Member of Knesset Dan Illouz for Yom Ha’atzmaut
On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, a special interview with Likud Member of Knesset Dan Illouz who says that despite the recent demonstrations in Israel, he is confident that the majority Israelis will joyfully celebrate Yom Ha’azmaut (Israeli Independence Day) this year. He is also optimistic that unity will reign, as he highlights many of the accomplishments of the Jewish State over the past 75 years. MK Illouz also detailed some of his top priorities in making a difference for the people of Israel.
A Difficult Pesach
On this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that it was truly difficult joyously celebrating Pesach (Passover) this year, following the terrorist murders of Efrat residents Lucy Dee, 48, and her daughters Maia, 20, and Rina, 15 HY”D, who were gunned down by jihadists while driving in the Jordan Valley. Thousands have paid their respects to the Dee family at the shiva this week, with more and more stories emerging demonstrating how amazing these three lost souls were through their acts of kindness and love of the Land of Israel and the Jewish People.
Arabs Will Be Grateful for New “National Guard”
On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten argues that while the Attorney General and others are up in arms about Israel’s new National Guard entrusted to National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, in the end, both Jews and especially Arabs, will be grateful for the new law enforcement body. With rampant crime, murder, and illegal activities especially in the Arab sector, Josh says the new force will tackle these issues, creating a better quality of life for Israel’s Arab community, and will thus be welcomed. Ironically, when the idea was conceived under the previous government, the pushback was at a minimum. It sounds like those opposed to the new force, have politics on their mind.
Is the Biden Administration Funding the Protests?
Israeli media over the weekend reported that a senior government official claimed that the protests which have been taking place in Israel over the past 10 weeks (under the guise of opposition to the judicial reform), were partially being funded by the U.S. Biden Administration. At the same time, it was noted that Prime Minister Netanyahu has not yet been invited to the White House for a visit. Is the U.S. Administration taking a page out of the Obama and Clinton playbooks by getting involved in Israeli politics and internal matters while snubbing our leadership? This question, and much more news from Israel on this week’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten.
Photo Credit: The U.S. National Archives
Pilots Getting Political
Israeli media reported this week that 37 out of 40 reservist pilots from the Israeli Air Force’s elite 69th fighter squadron will not show up for training this Wednesday in protest over the government’s judicial reform plan. While some opposition officials have called on the pilots to show up for duty, and leave politics out of the army, others have praised their protest. This report reeks of hypocrisy as those who called on soldiers not to fulfill their orders to carry out the 2005 expulsion of Gush Katif, were nearly universally condemned by those saying that soldiers can’t pick and choose. At the same time El Al had trouble finding pilots willing to fly Prime Minister to a scheduled visit in Rome later this week. Apparently El Al pilots have the right to pick and choose their passengers. “Hypocrisy” is the theme of this week’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten.
Photo Credit: Israel Defense Forces / Commons Wikimedia
US Ambassador Patronizes Israel’s Prime Minister
This week, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides – under direction from the Biden Administration, decided to weigh in on Israel’s proposed judicial reform. In a patronizing manner, Nides said “We’re telling the prime minister [Netanyahu] – as I tell my kids – pump the brakes…” Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs Amichai Chikli told Nides to “mind his own business.” On this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that Nides’ patronizing remarks against Israel’s government are unacceptable. While the US and Israel are great allies, Israel is not a banana republic which needs a scolding, as if we are the ambassador’s children.
Photo Credit:
Supreme Court Flexing
On Sunday Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, complying with a Supreme Court ruling, fired Shas Party Minister Aryeh Deri. It is true that Deri has a criminal past and promised to stay away from politics, but on this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that no doubt, the court’s ruling was politically motivated. He explains that the firing of Deri is a result of the court flexing its muscles, upset over the government’s proposed judicial reforms.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons