Israel Uncensored

The Sour Grapes Protest, part II

Demonstrators took to the streets once again this past Saturday night with headlines claiming they came out to voice their opposition to judicial reform. However, the language used – referring to the current government as a “regime” and comparing it to the Nazi party, as PLO flags waved in the air, shows that the agenda of the sour grapes protesters goes far beyond judicial reform. The scary goal – use any means necessary, even if it means trampling on democracy, to overthrow the government.

Photo Credit: Stephen Melkisethian / Flickr

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

The Sour Grapes Protest

Thousands of Israelis demonstrated against the government this past Saturday night under the guise of “democracy,” saying they were against the new government’s proposed judicial reforms. However, on this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says the protest reeked of sour grapes by “liberals,” who in reality don’t respect Israel’s election results or its democratically elected leadership.

Photo Credit: SMcGarnigle / Commons Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Haters Gonna Hate

On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten calls out those Israelis who have already taken to the streets to protest the new government – despite the fact that the government hasn’t been given a chance to implement any policies. Josh says that the concepts of “liberalism” and “free speech” have been hijacked by those protestors who claim to be open-minded folks who respect democracy, yet take to the streets when they don’t get what they want.

Photo Credit: Flickr

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Give Up on Sovereignty for Peace with Saudi Arabia?

A news report over the weekend indicated that incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is once again considering pushing off applying sovereignty over Judea and Samaria in exchange for a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia. Sovereignty was pushed off in exchange for the Abraham Accords agreement with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain several years ago. On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten says that while an alliance against Iran is a top priority, Israel should stay strong on the sovereignty issue.

Photo Credit: Commons Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

UN Legitimizes Hamas, “Horrified” When Terrorist Killed

Two parallel stories in the news this week coming out of the United Nations. First, UN special rapporteur for the “Palestinians” spoke at a Hamas conference in Gaza and welcomed their resistance (see: terrorism). Then, the UN Special Coordinator for the so-called Middle East Peace Process expressed that he was “horrified” that a terrorist who tried to murder Israelis in a village near Shechem was shot dead. On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh says that once again the UN is showing that it has no moral compass. This and all the latest news from Israel on this week’s podcast.

Photo Credit: Jacob Richman – Pictures

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

A Druze “Guide to the Middle East”

This past week, a young Druze Israeli citizen injured in car accident was murdered in Jenin, after terrorists from the PA took him off life support and held his body for ransom. The Druze community threatened that if his body was not returned, there would be blood. Within 24 hours, the family received the body back and gave him a proper burial. Officially, negotiations between Israel, the IDF, and the PA led to his release. But on this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten argues that what really caused the gunmen to cave, was the show of strength by the Druze community, issuing an ultimatum that the terrorists would pay a steep price if the body was not returned. Josh argues that Israel, years ago, should have taken a similar approach in securing the release of two Israelis, and the bodies of two IDF soldiers being held by Hamas in Gaza.

Photo Credit: ליהיא מרום / Commons Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Who Are the English-Language Podcasters of Israel?

Josh Hasten was interviewed for Jpost’s cover story in their magazine about podcasters in Israel.

It shouldn’t be surprising that in a Jewish state, so many people have so much to say. And with the proliferation of podcasts, the ability to put one’s views “out there” for others to hear is easier than ever.

Click to Read on JPost

Posted by Josh Hasten in More Articles

Will the New Government Create Change or Kick the Can Down the Road?

On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten interviews Israeli travel expert Yomi Groner. Groner talks about many issues affecting the lives of Israelis on a daily basis which he hopes the new government, under Prime Minister Netanyahu, will address. He would like concrete steps to be taken in regard to transportation, pension payments, and housing, in addition to the topics which are usually the focus of the news cycle. Also on the show, Josh gives his take on the election results, and calls out the haters who claim the sky is falling and that Israel is doomed following the rightward results. Some of those same people have been holding Israel to a different standard for years regardless of the government makeup.

Photo Credit: USAID Administrator Mark Green visit to Israel, Aug. 2019

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Pre-Election Terrorism

As Israel prepares to elect representatives to the 25th Knesset on Tuesday, Arab terrorists continue their daily onslaught. On Saturday night an Israeli was murdered in a shooting attack near Kiryat Arba, while on Sunday a Jihadist rammed his car into a group of soldiers in the Dead Sea area. On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh encourages Israeli voters to go to the polls and vote for those candidates who will implement policies of true deterrence against those contemplating attacks on Jewish Israelis.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Rock (and Gun) Terrorism Around the Clock

On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten shares what his commute to Jerusalem from Gush Etzion looked like this morning as Arab terrorists finished attacking an Israeli bus near Tekoa, and were then rioting in their village. IDF troops arrived at the scene to disperse those responsible. Nevertheless, the last few days have seen a slew of rock and firebomb attacks, along with shootings on the roads of Judea and Samaria. Josh says that the political echelon must direct the IDF to use all its might and all tools at its disposal to squash the hornet’s nests of terror.

Photo Credit:

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored