Less than 20 kilometers south of Jerusalem in the Gush Etzion bloc, the community of Efrat and its 13,000 inhabitants made headlines this week as having one of the highest levels of coronavirus-infected residents percentage-wise in the country.
Jewish News Syndicate
Israeli Parents Get a Crash Course in Homeschooling
After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shut down the country’s schools and universities until at least after Passover, Israeli parents, like their counterparts in other countries shut down by the COVID-19 virus, suddenly found themselves confronted with the task of overseeing their children’s education.
Former MK Yehuda Glick Arrested for ‘Provocative Behavior’ on Temple Mount
The former Likud Party Knesset member tells JNS that the incident epitomizes the fact that non-Muslims are discriminated against at the holy site in Jerusalem.
Extension of High-Speed Rail to Old City Jerusalem Expected to Alleviate Traffic, Boost Tourism
“Jews from around the world will be able to land at Ben-Gurion and in a short amount of time be at the Western Wall to be spiritually uplifted. It’s the perfect blend of modern technology and ancient spirituality,” said Rabbi Steve Burg, CEO of Aish HaTorah.
As Israel Baseball Team Preps for Olympics, It’s Soon to Get its Own Field of Dreams
“We are about to build a field and complex in Beit Shemesh, which will become Israel’s national baseball stadium. My focus is to bring awareness that we are building baseball here,” said Jordan Alter, the new president of the Israel Association of Baseball.
International Faith-Based Group Sees Israel Up Close and Personal
Much of the three-day Israel Allies Foundation’s (IAF) annual Chairman’s Conference focused on combating the recent European Court of Justice ruling calling for the labeling of Jewish products from Judea and Samaria as being made in “Israeli settlements,” as opposed to “Made in Israel.”
A Thanksgiving Break to Thank Them for their Service
As many as 1,000 lone soldiers in Israel had the chance to celebrate the holiday with food, friends … and even a little football.
‘We’re here to save lives,’ stress those associated with Israel’s ‘Rescuers Without Borders’
It was the year 2000, at the beginning of the Second Intifada, and Arab terror attacks were being carried out against Israelis on a nearly daily basis throughout the country, and particularly on the roads in Judea and Samaria.
Christian Zionist Group Dropped by Amazon, Claims it is being Targeted for Pro-Israel Views
Proclaiming Justice to The Nations (PJTN), a Tennessee-based nonprofit evangelical Christian organization committed towards standing with Israel and fighting anti-Semitism, has been removed from the AmazonSmile program, which enables Amazon customers to donate a percentage of their purchase to their favorite charity.
The Art of Fighting Terror
They used to call him the Israeli “Rambo.” But these days, dressed in modern attire and with a long braid in his hair, not many would recognize that Marc Provisor, current director of security projects for the One Israel Fund organization, has spent the past quarter-century working as one of Israel’s leading experts in combating terror, particularly thwarting attacks targeting Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria.