Joseph’s Tomb

Thousands Visit Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus; IDF Forces Come Under Attack

Hundreds of Jewish men pray at the Joseph's Tomb compound in Nablus on June 10, 2013. Photo by Yaakov Naumi/Flash90.

Hundreds of Jewish men pray at the Joseph’s Tomb compound in Nablus on June 10, 2013. Photo by Yaakov Naumi/Flash90.

Thousands of Jewish worshippers took part in the monthly pilgrimage to Joseph’s Tomb in the Palestinian Authority-controlled town of Nablus (Shechem) on Tuesday night, making it the largest delegation to the holy site since the onset of the pandemic.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Pilgrimage to Joseph’s Tomb an Increasingly Perilous Journey

Palestinians take over Joseph's Tomb in Nablus in 2000. It was under Israeli control until the tomb was attacked by a Palestinian mob. Photo by Flash90.

Palestinians take over Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus in 2000. It was under Israeli control until the tomb was attacked by a Palestinian mob. Photo by Flash90.

Since the current wave of Arab terrorism began in March, worshippers and the IDF soldiers guarding them have come under gunfire during the monthly organized pilgrimages to the Jewish holy site of Joseph’s Tomb in the city of Shechem, aka Nablus, in Samaria.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate