Josh Hasten

Can We Achieve Full Sovereignty and Reject a PA State?

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh gives his take on the Trump Administration’s “Deal of the Century.” He asks, can Israel under the terms of the proposal annex communities in Judea and Samaria while rejecting a potential PA state in Israel’s heartland, which could become an existential threat? But first on the show, an interview with Yehuda HaKohen, one of the leaders of the “Vision” slate in the current World Zionist Congress Elections. HaKohen shares his party’s outlook under the slogan “Empowering the Next Generation” of Jews.

Photo Credit: Flickr by The White House

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Outdoor Israeli Leadership Program Engages Siblings of Kids with Disabilities


Children participate in the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel's (SPNI) education and leadership program, which allows siblings to bond with other children growing up under similar circumstances. Credit: SPNI.

Children participate in the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel’s (SPNI) education and leadership program, which allows siblings to bond with other children growing up under similar circumstances. Credit: SPNI.

Youngsters meet on a regular basis out in nature, where they hike and are given educational workshops on skills related to the land, and ultimately, are taught how to be guides.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

The Diabolical PA/EU Plan for Area C

Photo: Beduin School Girl looks out the window of her classroom at the Al-Khan al-Ahmar school, near the West Bank city of Jericho.Photo Credit: REUTERS

Photo: Beduin School Girl looks out the window of her classroom at the Al-Khan al-Ahmar school, near the West Bank city of Jericho.Photo Credit: REUTERS


Now I don’t want to ruin anyone’s vacation, but the next time you are heading for some R&R at the Dead Sea via Jerusalem, pay close attention to the scenery on the sides of the road.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in The Jerusalem Post

It’s Time for Israel to Declare ‘Victory’

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh airs the audio from a lecture he attended last week delivered by Daniel Pipes, president of the Middle East Forum. Pipes has started a movement called the ‘Israel Victory Project.’ His plan is for Israel to declare victory by convincing the Arabs of Judea and Samaria that they have lost; and they must recognize the Jewish state of Israel in order for progress to take place.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Airbnb Boycott Will Backfire

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten an interview with Efrat Mayor and Chief Foreign Envoy of the Yesha Council Oded Revivi on the decision by the Airbnb apartment renting platform to delist Jewish properties in Judea and Samaria. Revivi is adamant that by succumbing to BDS pressure and deleting the Jewish rentals, Airbnb is actually pushing peace further away, by essentially depriving those seeking to make bonds from being able to do so. He is confident though that their decision will backfire, as more and more Israelis and tourists will now decide to send a message to the company by consciously choosing Judea and Samaria as a vacation destination.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

From Pittsburgh to Gaza

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, we mourn the loss of 11 Jews who were murdered in a Pittsburgh synagogue on Shabbat morning. Josh describes how many on social media used this horrific hate crime as a cynical means to bash Israel, the Trump Administration, or anyone else under the sun, instead of focusing on the white-supremacist neo-Nazi who carried out the shooting. In reality, he says that anti-Semitism is a 3,000+ year-old phenomenon. At the same time, Israelis living on the Gaza border were also the target of terror/hate having to run for the shelters again this past Friday night as Hamas/Islamic Jihad terrorists fired over 30 rockets into Israeli communities. Josh says that Israel should be not enabling the terrorists in Gaza and halt the supply of aid, especially fuel which ends up being used to launch rockets and missiles against the Jewish State.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored