Supporting the KKL-JNF’s Judea and Samaria Policies – Opinion

THE FAMOUS KKL-JNF blue box is promoted by a rather tall and lanky David Ben-Gurion impersonator on Independence Day in Tel Aviv in 2009. (photo credit: RONI SCHUTZER/FLASH90)

THE FAMOUS KKL-JNF blue box is promoted by a rather tall and lanky David Ben-Gurion impersonator on Independence Day in Tel Aviv in 2009.
(photo credit: RONI SCHUTZER/FLASH90)

Assuming a KKL-JNF vote will lead to the changes feared by Jacobs, including the endangerment of a two-state solution, then my response would be a resounding “Hallelujah!”


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Posted by Josh Hasten in The Jerusalem Post

Legal Battle over Eastern Jerusalem Property Highlights Attempts by EU to Undermine Israeli Sovereignty

Amal Sumarin, her sons and their attorney arrives for a court hearing regarding the JNF-KKL appeal to evict them from their family home at the District Court in Jerusalem on June 30, 2020. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

Amal Sumarin, her sons and their attorney arrives for a court hearing regarding the JNF-KKL appeal to evict them from their family home at the District Court in Jerusalem on June 30, 2020. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90.

After a 30-year legal battle, a Jerusalem court has ruled that the Sumarin family must vacate a property located in eastern Jerusalem and return it to its rightful owners. The family has been supported by some 30 left-wing organizations with many funded by the European Union.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate