Knesset Elections


Israelis will go to the polls tomorrow for the fourth Knesset Elections in the past two years. While final poll projections indicate that parties will have trouble building a coalition leading to a 61-member Knesset majority, and thus forming a government, election day surprises and political maneuvering, could lead to the formation of a government and prevent Israel going to election #5. Josh Hasten breaks down some of the possible scenarios on this week’s Israel Uncensored.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Netanyahu Campaigning in Judea/Samaria

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh discusses some of the comments made by Prime Minister Netanyahu on a visit yesterday to Gush Etzion. The Prime Minister promised that if elected to another term he would work on authorizing some of the “young communities,” throughout Judea and Samaria, which have received government support but have not gotten a final stamp of approval. The Prime Minister used his visit to make his case as to why the Israeli public should back his Likud Party in the March 23 Knesset Elections.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored