Land of Israel

The Power of Faith-Based Diplomacy

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Josh Reinstein, founder of the Israel Allies Foundation on his new book “Titus Trump and the Triumph of Israel; The Power of Faith-Based Diplomacy.” In the book Reinstein outlines the Jewish nation’s legal and political rights to the Land of Israel, but says “they pale in comparison to the Biblical rights of the Jewish people to the land.” He discusses how today’s friends of Israel are those supporters in the Judeo-Chrisitian world, who turn to the Bible as their guide to understand what’s really happening in Israel in the Middle East.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Israeli Youth Discuss Sovereignty, and Future Prospects in Judea and Samaria


The nearly 800 youth in attendance at a lecture at Bar-Ilan University concerning the sovereignty movement in Israel. Photo by David Weil.

The nearly 800 youth in attendance at a lecture at Bar-Ilan University concerning the sovereignty movement in Israel. Photo by David Weil.

Asaf Jayson, 18, one of the organizers of the “Youth Sovereignty Conference,” helps energize a contingent of young people in Israel with a platform to put their ideology into action.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate