
Exclusive interview with Member of Knesset Dan Illouz for Yom Ha’atzmaut

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, a special interview with Likud Member of Knesset Dan Illouz who says that despite the recent demonstrations in Israel, he is confident that the majority Israelis will joyfully celebrate Yom Ha’azmaut (Israeli Independence Day) this year. He is also optimistic that unity will reign, as he highlights many of the accomplishments of the Jewish State over the past 75 years. MK Illouz also detailed some of his top priorities in making a difference for the people of Israel.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Israel Back to the Polls for a Third Time in a Year

On today’s special election edition of Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh interviews the “man (and woman) in the street” outside a Gush Etzion polling station, as Israel votes for the 23rd Knesset – the country’s third election within a year. While most voters interviewed in this non-scientific poll said they would vote for Yemina led by Naftali Bennett, others said they would be choosing PM Netanyahu’s Likud. Other voters were undecided going into the polling station. Listen to today’s show to get a sense of the logic used by some Israelis as they cast their ballots.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

The Beginning of Election Mania

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh discusses the latest political developments in Israel including the decision by Ministers Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked to leave the Jewish Home party and start the “New Right Wing” party. What will be left of the Jewish Home and how will this move impact the formation of a “right wing” government should Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud come out on top in the elections? Also on the show Josh discusses the fact that Israel’s record year of tourism, with four million visitors arriving in the Jewish State in 2018, is a major fail for the BDS movement.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored