Maurice Hirsch

Israeli Taxpayer Money Rewarding Terror

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Maurice Hirsch, Head of legal strategies at Palestinian Media Watch, who is outraged at Israel’s decision to “loan” the PA $800 million due to their claim that as a result of Corona, they are on the verge of collapse. Hirsch says that the payment fundamentally undermines the war on terror, as the PA has shown time and time again, that the funding they receive from international sources is diverted towards their “pay to slay” program, which awards terrorists and their families for carrying out attacks against Israelis.

Photo Credit: Hebrew Wikipedia / The Israel Defense Forces

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

PA Daily Calls for Murder During International Holocaust Gathering

As over 40 world leaders are set to arrive in Jerusalem this week to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, a PA columnist has advocated for murder in order to disrupt the ceremonies. On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Maurice Hirsch Head of Legal Strategies for Palestinian Media Watch discusses how the PA in recent weeks has stepped up it’s anti-Israel incitement, and along with this call for murder, has launched blood libel campaigns accusing Jews of desecrating the Temple Mount – in order to rile up the masses towards terror and violence.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

PA Spending Billions to Fund Terror

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten an interview with Maurice Hirsch head of legal strategies at Palestinian Media Watch (PMW). Hirsch discusses a new PMW report showing how the Palestinian Authority spent at least 7 billion NIS between 2011-2018 on funding terror organizations bent on Israel’s destruction. Hirsch clarifies that these funds are separate from the money the PA uses to finance it’s “pay for slay” program offering incentives and rewards to Arab terrorists and their families.

Photo Credit: Maklay62 /

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored