One Israel Fund

Combating Terror During Corona

Marc Provisor Director of Security Projects for the One Israel Fund organization joins Josh Hasten on this week’s edition of Israel Uncensored. Provisor describes what its like to fight Jihadist terror with the additional challenges brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. Hear how One Israel Fund continues to operate during these difficult times providing creative solutions towards fighting terror, while enhancing the lives of Israelis, especially those in living in Judea and Samaria, and other border communities.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

The Art of Fighting Terror


Marc Provisor (right), director of security projects for the One Israel Fund. Source: Facebook.

Marc Provisor (right), director of security projects for the One Israel Fund. Source: Facebook.

They used to call him the Israeli “Rambo.” But these days, dressed in modern attire and with a long braid in his hair, not many would recognize that Marc Provisor, current director of security projects for the One Israel Fund organization, has spent the past quarter-century working as one of Israel’s leading experts in combating terror, particularly thwarting attacks targeting Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria.


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Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Unity and Deterrence Needed to Defeat Evil

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten an interview with Marc Prowisor, Director of Security for the One Israel Fund. Prowisor discusses the horrible murder of 19-year-old Tekoa resident Ori Ansbacher HY”D at the hands of a Hebron Arab. Her body was found on Thursday in a Jerusalem forest. Prowisor says that in order to defeat this evil, the first thing we need in Israel is unity. He says we also need an effective method of deterrence so that our enemies will think twice, before starting up with the Jews of Israel.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored