red communities

Closure No Closure

As Israel was about to implement a closure on it’s “red communities,” with coronavius cases spiking out of control, the government yesterday decided to implement a “night curfew” instead in Israel’s most hard-hit towns and communities. On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh berates the government for playing politics as thousands of new cases of COVID-19 are being confirmed daily. What will happen during Rosh Hashannah and the high holidays, when some are insisting on holding services in synagogues despite the infections? What about the mass protests still taking place against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? All of these questions and more, as Israel is in the midst of it’s hottest September in 118 years.

Photo Credit:,_Stamford_Road,_Singapore_-_20111210.jpg

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored