
Israel’s Positions on Russia vs. Ukraine?

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh cites expert analysis explaining Israel’s positions in regard to the crisis between Russia and the Ukraine. The biggest factor for Israel is Syria, where Russia currently has a stronghold and where Israel has been actively thwarting the threats posed by Iranian proxies utilizing that territory in attempts to attack the Jewish State.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria Oh My

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh touches on the the various fronts from north to south, in which Israel was forced to act militarily in self defense over the course of this past week. Another rocket was fired by Gazan terrorists at Israel’s southern communities over the weekend accompanied by additional Hamas threats. The IDF responded by striking Hamas terror targets. At the same Israel has uncovered a sixth Hezbollah terror tunnel from Lebanon as part of its ‘Operation Northern Shield.’ Also, Prime Minister Netanyahu opened his cabinet meeting on Sunday admitting that Israel was behind a strike on an Iranian arms warehouses in Damascus, Syria a day earlier. Never a dull moment in the Jewish State or in the Middle East!

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Ambassador Ettinger’s Expert Analysis on US/Israel Relations

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Ambassador Yoram Ettinger, Israel’s former Minister for Congressional Affairs in Washington and expert on US/Israel relations. Amb. Ettinger says that it’s a mistake to think that a US troop pullout from Syria will damage Israel’s security. In regard to US National Security Adviser John Bolton’s current trip to the region, Ettinger talks about how Bolton has relentlessly stood by the Jewish State for many years. He adds that instead of introducing the delayed US peace plan between Israel and the Arabs under the PA, the US should focus on the Iranian threat and other Middle East conflicts which are contributing towards instability in the region.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

How Will the US Pullout from Syria Affect Israel?

On today Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten an interview with Seth Frantzman Jerusalem Post op-ed editor and Executive Director at the Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis. Frantzman discusses the possible ramifications for Israel in light of President Trump’s decision to pull US troops out of Syria. Also on the show, Josh blasts NBA-star Lebron James for featuring anti-Semitic song lyrics on a recent Instagram post. Josh says that James once again proves that Michael Jordan will always be the true king of basketball.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Why the Fuss Over Israel’s Jewish Nation-State Law?

On today’s Israel Uncensored, as I sit down to record the show, sirens blare out over northern Israel. Israel’s Home-Front Command indicated that the projectiles launched from Syria were fired as part of that country’s civil war, and were not aimed at Israel. However, for the first time ever Israel’s new ‘David Sling’ anti-missile system was utilized. Also on the show, why was Israel’s new “Jewish Nation-State Law,” in the headlines all over the world? I explains why this new ‘Basic Law’ has ruffled so many feathers near and far.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored