
Ukraine’s President Goes After Israel

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh slams the Zoom Knesset address given yesterday by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky claimed Israel wasn’t doing enough to help his country, drew Holocaust comparisons between the current situation and Hitler’s plan to exterminate the Jewish People, and also ignored Ukrainian complicity during the Shoah. Josh said that’s it’s one thing to sympathize with the Ukrainians who are suffering under Russia’s bombardments and another to downplay Israel’s vast humanitarian efforts, compare what’s going on to the Holocaust, while ignoring Ukrainian atrocities during that period.

Photo Credit: Commons Wikimedia

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Witnessing Hatzalah Heroes in Action

On this week’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten describes his world-wind mission to Romania with the United Hatzalah organization. The mission was threefold – to drop off Hatzalah emergency volunteers so that they could make their way to the Ukrainian/Moldovan border to assist the refugees fleeing the war in the Ukraine, to drop off tons of humanitarian equipment, and to bring 100 refugees back to Israel, may of whom will be making Aliyah to the Jewish State.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Ukraine vs. Russia or Biden Weakness?

On today’s Israel Uncensored, Josh Hasten argues that while the headlines are focused on Russia’s aggression against the Ukraine, the deeper story here is the US Biden Administration’s weakness, which a terrible sign not only for the Ukraine, but for world order. Israel, Josh argues, should pay heed with the looming Iranian nuclear threat, as the US is proving once again (see Afghanistan), that its weakness breeds chaos.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored

Israel’s Positions on Russia vs. Ukraine?

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, Josh cites expert analysis explaining Israel’s positions in regard to the crisis between Russia and the Ukraine. The biggest factor for Israel is Syria, where Russia currently has a stronghold and where Israel has been actively thwarting the threats posed by Iranian proxies utilizing that territory in attempts to attack the Jewish State.

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Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored