Women in Green

Israeli Youth Discuss Sovereignty, and Future Prospects in Judea and Samaria


The nearly 800 youth in attendance at a lecture at Bar-Ilan University concerning the sovereignty movement in Israel. Photo by David Weil.

The nearly 800 youth in attendance at a lecture at Bar-Ilan University concerning the sovereignty movement in Israel. Photo by David Weil.

Asaf Jayson, 18, one of the organizers of the “Youth Sovereignty Conference,” helps energize a contingent of young people in Israel with a platform to put their ideology into action.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Jewish News Syndicate

Moskowitz Prize for Zionism Winner – ‘Time to Apply Sovereignty’

On today’s Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with Nadia Matar, co-director of the Israel Sovereignty Movement founded by Women in Green. Matar along with Yehudit Katzover are two of the recipients of this year’s prestigious Moskowitz Prize for Zionism. The prize award ceremony is to be held in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening, June 4. Matar explains that after 52 years since Israel’s victory in the Six Day War, it’s finally time to apply sovereignty over all of the land of Israel. She’s confident that most Israelis today, realize that sovereignty is the only way forward towards true stability.

Posted by Josh Hasten in Israel Uncensored